Welcome to the ether-net!

A technical blog that was solely about computer networking to help contextualise and document my CCIE journey. There were the occasional study guides and event recaps for things I attended. However, I stopped writing regularly about two years ago. There are many reasons that ultimately don’t matter, which boil down to a lack of time, brain power, and being in a position where I needed to flesh out guidelines with my employer to define what I can vs. cannot publish into the public domain.

So, what is the ether-net now?

It’s a technical blog that focuses on solving business problems with technology agnostically, mainly in the realms of operational technology (“OT”). I intend to write from the architect, cyber security, or systems engineer’s perspective, showing how you can solve some problems creatively. A little bit of networking fundamentals and applied problem-solving through a wonderful framework called SABSA that I’ve low-key become addicted to using; voilà – you’re set. We’ll jump into implementing some of these solutions using one of the many partners and suppliers that exist out there. It’ll also be somewhat of a repository for talks I give at conferences, random factoids and musings, and contain supplementary information for folks who attend classes I teach.

Cool, so when will article [X] be updated or when will you actually write?

I’m participating in a 100-day writing challenge that Alexis Bertholf has posted on LinkedIn. Her comments about hesitating to post something unless it feels perfect struck a chord with me. I think it’s going to force me to think about how to condense my thoughts and articulate them succinctly. Let’s see how we go!